Tuesday, January 6, 2015

     The Preparedness Movement

   Fellow citizens of these great United States. An eve of a great war is soon to happen along the western front of Europe. Our business interests and our way of life is threatened as the axis powers and allied powers are being locked in a stalemate that has been dragging on for years now. The way of life as we know is being threatened as our economy will take a large hit if our ties with England are severed during this war. All the money and prosperity we know are at stake. This is unless we gear up and train our young men to fight on foreign soil. These courageous men will be key to the success of our country as a whole and will solidify our status as a world superpower.

   We need to be quick in setting up training camps and establishing bases to help train our men to fight our enemy in Europe. This men need to be trained to not only protect their families but absolutely most protect our country from a business point of view. We need to have President Wilson increase our task force in preparation for combat. This will give us the power to overcome the enemy and end this dreadful war. This is our chance at securing the ties with our ally Great Britain and will allow us to succeed in showing that our country will do whatever we have to do to stay a wealthy and free living country. So please, gather with us as we rally together to form a larger army and secure our absolutely necessary ties with Great Britain.

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